The university wins Auditor Office approval for student accommodation plan
A year back the university was scrambling to find more student housing, especially in the expensive Hobart market (CMM December 12 2018). Management made it for this year and has a strategy in place to provide appropriate on-going accom. The state Audit Office says the university, via its out-sourcing services provider, delivers, to-standard quality accommodation, with maintenance meeting KPIs. Engagement with stakeholders regarding expanding accommodation (a big issue in Hobart) is “broadly satisfactory” and while student resident survey results, “were not encouraging” the response rate was low.
“Overall, the university has reacted well to changing and challenging circumstances in the Tasmanian accommodation markets, ensuring demand for student accommodation is met,” the Audit Office reports.
This is a good result. Community critics of the university’s expansion in the Hobart CBD and property developments in Launceston and Burnie have plenty to say. A critical AG report would have encouraged them to say more.