In June, the NAA warned times were tough but there’s no warning now
The National Archives of Australia is pleased with its new website, “drum roll please! The new National Archives of Australia website launches today. Check out our fresh look and explore the content” (via Twitter).
But what CMM can’t find there is the Tune Review, established to look at NAA resources –which are inadequate, at least according to a statement on the NAA site in June. “Budget and staffing reductions are affecting our capacity to perform our fundamental role of securing, preserving, maintaining and making accessible the authentic and essential records of the decisions and actions of government, while providing high standards of service delivery that all Australians should expect from their National Archives,” (CMM June 20). Perhaps things are better – the link to this statement is now dead.
CMM asked where the Tune Review is and a spokesperson replied that it isn’t finalised.