Informal training and unrecorded skills

Over 80 per cent of Australian employers provide unaccredited staff training and the 50 per cent that don’t undertake it internally use private providers (20 per cent), industry associations (14 per cent) and industry/equipment suppliers (11 per cent). TAFE barely rates mention.  A new study by Ian White, Navinda De Silva, and Toni Rittie for the estimable National Centre for Vocational Education Research, finds employers do this because unaccredited training meets their needs and is easier to manage than the formal training system.

“Employers have consistently rated satisfaction with unaccredited training significantly higher than with nationally recognised training and with the training to apprentices and trainees provided through the VET system,” the report states.

Good for employers, less so for workers, who get no documented credit for acquiring portable skills – which has to be an opportunity.

NCVER CEO Simon Walker suggests the forthcoming Australian Qualifications Framework review, “may go some way towards formal recognition for unaccredited training.” Deakin U is already onto it, certifying informally acquired marketing skills as professional practise credentials. A Deakin U subsidiary has launched a programme with the Australian Institute of Marketing (CMM November 19).


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