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In breaking news
The headline story yesterday on Macquarie U’s “this week” page was “VCs end-of-year message.”
Incubators for UNE and UniAdelaide
Industry Minister Karen Andrews has announced $2m for six new start-up incubators, two with HE homes. The University of Adelaide’s ThincLab, “the place where unconventional thinkers can give their ideas an unfair advantage,” has money for start-ups to expand into Asia and Europe, presumably via ThincLab’s Singapore and French offices. UNE is funded for its agriculture technology gateway project.
Free kick of the morning
The Productivity Commission invites responses to its issues paper on “the social and economic benefits of improving mental health,” asking, “is there adequate support available for children and young people with mental ill‑health to re‑engage with education and training?” There are other resource-focused questions but you get the idea.
Uni Queensland releases proposal for Ramsay western civ centre degrees
The University of Queensland has put to staff a detailed proposal for degrees funded by the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation.
VC Peter Hoj told staff yesterday that the university’s leadership had submitted an expression of interest to Ramsay in October, with both sides agreeing last month, a partnership is “desirable and achievable.”
What’s not negotiable: The university is adamant that there will only be a deal if “independence and academic freedom are respected and adhered to. … The principle of the university’s independence with regard to academic decisions is a red-line issue for UQ. This point was recognised and understood in the discussion with the Ramsay Centre board of directors.”
The proposal includes: a structure for two degrees, a bachelor of advanced humanities and bachelor of humanities – LLB. And it specifies close study of texts in small classes led by “an experienced academic staff member.”
It also includes extensive subject details and comprehensive reading lists, which point to the core of the university’s case for proceeding and its response to criticism that ‘western civilisation” is weighed by “assumptions of ethnocentrism.”
“I understand why concerns about this language have been expressed; there is no doubting the historical fact that violent colonisation was undertaken by countries that believed themselves to be ‘civilised’ while at the same time dehumanising colonial subjects,” Professor Hoj states.
“At the same time, there are good academic reasons for future humanities scholars to study courses in western civilisation. Colonisation, slavery and war are part of the historical record, but so are breakthroughs in medical science; the development of democratic institutions; and a rich artistic and literary legacy. Shouldn’t we be teaching both ‘worlds’? More importantly, by teaching in a pluralistic way, we are encouraging very talented young people to be rigorous and reflective about how we best develop fair, prosperous and cohesive societies,” he argues.
“The proposed pedagogy is designed to not only recover the meaning of the ‘great books’, but also to critically evaluate their value and significance.”
First responses: This may not be enough for campus critics of a deal. National Tertiary Education Union state secretary Michael McNally was quick to warn last night, “members have expressed concerns that if a programme is characterised as promoting a conservative conception of “western civilisation”, it would run the risk of overshadowing UQ’s engagement with non-western societies and cultures, and cut across UQ’s efforts at promoting reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
However until now overall opposition on the UoQ campus to the prospect of negotiations has been more restrained than last year’s furores at ANU and the University of Sydney. Last night NTEU branch university branch president Andrew Bonnell said, “Professor Høj has publicly committed to ‘being transparent and engaging with the university community’ and has said that any MOU with Ramsay would be a public document. … We would expect that any draft MOU would have to be made public and be held up to scrutiny before any deal is signed.”
What’s next: The university has made a polished and comprehensive case for the proposed degrees. It is now open for campus community comment until February 14.
A win for Ramsay. While Ramsay did what looks like a fail-safe deal with the University of Wollongong late last year, an agreement with a Group of Eight university will appeal to its support base. The long lists of texts and course contents have a substance that the Ramsay Centre board is surely seeking. And reaching terms with UoQ means Ramsay could hold the line in any negotiations with the University of Sydney, where management may want concessions to sell any proposal to sceptical staff.
Cash commitments for James Cook U medicine
Whoever wins the election, James Cook U seems assured of hospital funding in Cairns. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has $60m for the university to buy land “and deliver world class medical research.” The money will allow the university to move research and education staff out of Cairns Hospital, creating space for 150 more beds. But in an ABC TV interview Mr Morrison added the state government would need to kick in $90m more.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten ups the offer saying Labor is committed to, “a new dedicated training facility at Cairns Hospital,” includes $10m for land and $50m to “fully fund,” “clinical training and development.”
Won’t be many federal elections until JCU is promised a full-scale med school in Cairns.
Lampl steps down at ANU
ANU is in the market for a head of the school of music. Jazz sax player (70) film composer and (Juilliard) teacher Ken Lampl has stepped down. He was appointed to ANU with much fanfare in 2016.
National nursing education review announced
Minister for many matters rural Bridget McKenzie has announced a review of nursing education. No, not just in the bush, all-over. Terms of reference are;
* examine effectiveness of current educational preparation of and articulation between enrolled and registered nurses and nurse practitioners
* factors that affect the choice of nursing as an occupation, including for men
* role and appropriateness of transition to practice programs
* competiveness/attractiveness of Australian qualifications across international contexts.
Former VC Steven Schwartz will conduct the review. Professor Schwartz has been VC at three universities two of which, Murdoch U and Brunel U in the UK, teach nursing. The third, Macquarie U, has a medical school and teaches health sciences.
Makes a change from teacher education faculties being scrutinised.
On moo-sage
Deakin U announces the “MOO’d study”, “to investigate the possible effects of A2 dairy products versus conventional dairy products on women’s health and wellbeing.”
Appointments: a restructure at Swinburne U
Vice Chancellor Linda Kristjanson announces administration changes at Swinburne U.
The existing operations portfolio is split. Incoming VP strategy and innovation Richard Bolt will lead strategy, commercial, business analytics, campus spaces, audit and risk teams, plus government, legal and integrity.
New VP and chief financial officer Nancy Collins heads finance, information technology, and facilities and services.
Change Management, which is now part of IT, moves to the people and culture portfolio. Present chief operations officer Andrew Field is leaving. So is DVC VET David Coltman, who is moving to run TAFE in South Australia.
Swinburne also has a new deputy comms director, Helene Hofman, who joins from Radio National.