Where entrepreneurs got their education

Pitchbook (“empowers capital market professionals”) has a new ranking of the top universities based on alumni who founded venture capital backed companies

US unis account for 70 plus of the top 100, with a few Canadians and UK universities, a handful from Singapore, India and South Korea – and Tsinghua and Peking from China.

As to Australia, Uni Sydney leads at 78th in the world, followed by UNSW at 84, Uni Melbourne at 86 and Monash at 94.

This might impress, just not compared to Israel – which has six universities on the list, five in the top 50, Tel Aviv, (seven), Israel Institute of Tech (15), Hebrew U (31), Reichman (38) and Ben Gurion (45).

Stanford U is first with 1427 grads, raising $US 73.6bn for 1271 companies.