Uni Queensland’s ten-year commitment

The 2022-25 strategic plan sets out specific achievements for 2032, including

Learning and Students

* top in Queensland for graduate employment outcomes three years after completion

* top five in Australia for UG “sense of belonging”

* doubled PG coursework commencements and 10,000 completions pa

Research and Innovation

* number one “in the national research excellence, impact and engagement assessments”

* top 50 in the Aggregate Ranking of Top Universities (CMM thinks this is the new-ish UNSW-created measure)

* minimum 10 per cent share of national funding of priority-driven research

* in global top 5 per cent for commercialising IP

Enriching communities

* 30 per cent of domestic UGs from low socio-economic or regional/remote background

*  proportion of domestic students identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander will reflects representation of people identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander in Queensland

Global profile

* 10 per cent of international students from each of the top five source countries

* 15 per cent of UQ’s international students studying offshore


* women hold 50 per cent of senior positions

* proportion of staff identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander will reflects representation of people identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander in Queensland


* 10 per cent annual EBITDA

* annual revenue exceeds expenditure