Take five, get one free at Victoria U

The university wants staff to take“re-energise leave”

Eligible staff who take five days leave get an extra one off – and they can do it three times over the next six months.

VC Adam Shoemaker tells staff the pandemic meant many accrued leave they weren’t able to take. “This is often despite everyone’s best intentions to take leave, as well as widespread recognition of the vital importance of doing so to enhance health and wellbeing.”

The scheme is open to FT and PT continuing and fixed term staff with less than eight weeks owing.

Professor Shoemaker asks all interested to consider timing and operational issues and consult with their manager. But learned readers worry work will pile up while people are away, without approvals for time in lieu or overtime.

CMM asked VU for a response to that concern and was told, “we have encouraged staff to consider the timing and operational needs of their area and consult with their managers before applying. This is important to ensure we always have appropriate coverage and planning across the institution”  – perhaps a repeat of the original message will reassure people.