On January 29, 2022, Griffith University became the host of the Australasian Centre for PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions). This followed a competitive bid process, in which Griffith was able to demonstrate a long history of embedding PASS in its programs and its strategic vision for the future of PASS in Australasia. Griffith is committed to building on the momentum established by the Centre’s previous host, the University of Wollongong.

PASS, or Supplemental Instruction, is a non-remedial approach to learning support that offers students regularly scheduled, voluntary, group study sessions in subjects they might find challenging. Sessions are facilitated by peer leaders who have previously achieved good results in the course and have completed a nationally accredited training programme.

Dr Deanna Martin from the University of Missouri, Kansas City developed PASS/SI in 1973. Now in its 50th year, PASS/SI has expanded globally and is currently used at over 1800 higher education providers in more than 30 countries. The ACP is one of five National Centres that inform, train and evaluate peer assisted study sessions:

There is a plethora of evidence demonstrating the efficacy and impact of PASS/SI. A 2014 systematic review of PASS/SI literature found robust evidence that participation in these sessions is correlated with higher mean grades, higher retention and graduation rates, and lower failure and withdrawal rates.

The ACP’s goal is to expand on these foundations through iterative exploration, innovation, and co-design with students to support a compassionate, post-pandemic transformation of student learning. In this dynamic environment, the ACP is exploring new opportunities to inspire and enable the sustainable growth of a thriving community of peer learners. Its initiatives will focus on empowering inclusive and relationship-rich learning experiences that not only promote greater flexibility in student engagement, but also support connectivity to strengthen student wellbeing and sense of belonging.

The ACP is guided in its strategic endeavours by the ACP Strategic Advisory Committee, which includes expert members from five Australasian universities with strong PASS programs. The ACP is unapologetically bold and visionary. Creating, connecting and caring for students, working with them to support their aspirations for learning success, is at the core of everything we do.

Associate Professor Michelle Whitford, Director, Australasian Centre for PASS, Griffith University [email protected]


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