(Some of) The MOOCs with the mostest

There’s a ranking of universities who use three big platforms

MoocLab ranks providers who publish with Coursera, edX and FutureLearn, on five criteria; number offered, “provision of learning pathways”, micro-credentials, degrees and the institution’s average world ranking. For whatever it is worth, the last one is the mean of Times Higher, QS, Academic Ranking of World Universities scores.

As a guide to overall MOOC quality it is not much, but it is an indication of who is active on three big platforms.

The top five world-wide are Delft U, Uni Penn, Uni Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), Coventry U and Michigan U.

Deakin U is eighth, Uni Queensland 12th, Curtin U 22nd, Monash U 48th, ANU 56th, Macquarie U 59th, Uni Adelaide 62nd, Uni Melbourne 65th, UNSW 73rd, Uni Sydney 74th, Uni Newcastle 86th, QUT 121st, UWA 127th, RMIT 133rd, Uni Wollongong 163rd and Griffith U 173rd.


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