Promoting international students to employers


 The International Education Association of Australia has launched a guide for employers on employing international students.

This is good news. The sector has long spruiked the benefits of international students to Australian workplaces but has previously not advised on how to do it.

According to Melanie Duncan, a co-author of the report “current visa settings, the recent extension of post-study work rights and post covid skills shortages are seeing employers re-calibrate their views around employing international students.”

Last week’s launch, in conjunction with the City of Melbourne, attracted over 100 employers, many with questions on visas and eligibility for work.

A major takeout of the initiative is a call to action to employers to rethink eligibility for roles they advertise. Currently, advertising roles that require Australian citizenship or permanent residency is the norm. A shift to including qualified persons with Australian work rights would be a big win.

The success of the launch in Melbourne may lead to a national roadshow.

Dirk Mulder advises education and business clients on trends in international education. He writes regularly for CMM