New social science fellows lead appointments, achievements

The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia announces its 2019 fellows

* Peter Clarkson (Uni Queensland).  * John Cordery (Curtin U). * Robert Costanza (ANU).

* Rosalind Dixon (UNSW). * Sara Dolnicar, (Uni Queensland). * Carolyn Evans (Griffith U). * Andrew Fitzmaurice (Uni Sydney).  * Christopher Gregory (ANU). * Mark Griffin (Curtin U). * Peter Gronn (Monash U).

* Ghassan Hage (Uni Melbourne). * Baogang He (Deakin U). * Julie Henry (Uni Queensland). * Katie Holmes (La Trobe U). * Renée Jeffery (Griffith U). * Justin Kenardy, (Uni Queensland). * Emma Kowal (Deakin University).

* Gary Magee (Monash U). * Desmond Manderson (ANU). * Mark McLelland (Uni Wollongong). * Gavan McNally (UNSW). * Sarah Medland (QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

* Sundhya Pahuja (Uni Melbourne). * Jacqueline Peel (Uni Melbourne). Sarah Pink (Monash U). * Ian Ramsay (Uni Melbourne). * Iain Ross (Fair Work Commission). * David Schlosberg (Uni Sydney). * Julie Stubbs (UNSW).

* David Treagust (Curtin U).  * Carla Treloar (UNSW). * Rodney Tyers (UWA). * Gordon Waitt (Uni Wollongong). * Terry Walter (Uni Wollongong). * Claire Williams (Flinders U). * Jenny Williams (Uni Melbourne). * Yves Zenou (Monash U).

The Academy also announces its 2019 early career researchers;

* Elise Klein (Uni Melbourne). * David Frazier (Monash U). Rebecca Ananian-Welsh Uni Queensland. Melissa Day (Uni Queensland)


Curtin U announces learning and teaching awards;

Curtin U Academy Fellows: Janie Brown (nursing education) Beena Giridharn, (Deputy PVC Curtin Malaysia)

Citations for student learning:  Sukanta Roy, (Engineering and Science, Curtin Malaysia). Kate Duncanson (Health Sciences).

Awards for teaching:  Billy Sung (Business and Law), Joel Howell and Magdy Elnashar (Health Sciences)


 Rhys Pirie (Uni  Queensland PhD student) wins the Young Innovator of the Year award at the Falling Walls innovation conference in Berlin. He proposed a process to turn waste glass into sodium-silicate based products.


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