Debra Bateman starts at Flinders U as dean of education in the college of Education, Psychology and Social Work. Her recent CMM essay, “Unis behind a compliance rock and a quality hard place,” is here.
Curtin U technology is the basis of the WA Innovator of the Year award. Jacques Eksteen, Elsayed Oraby and colleague in the university’s WA School of Mines developed an environmentally friendly system for extracting metal from ore. It is licenced to company Mining and Process Solutions which won the award. Andrew Guzzomi and Carlo Peressin from UWA, with colleagues from the University of Sydney, designed the winner of the Emerging Innovation category – a weed chipper, which can be an alternative to herbicides in large-scale cropping.
Annie Fogarty is the West Australian of the year. Dr Fogarty is founder of the UWA Fogarty Scholarship Programme.