The National Health and Medical Research Council has announced $188m in new grants.
With yesterday’s grants the 2018 success rate for proposals with a female chief investigator is 21.7 per cent and 21.2 per cent for men.
The success rate for early career fellowships is now 23 per cent for women and 27.6 per cent for men for the year.
The new round brings YTD grants ($245m in total) for the most successful institutions ($5m plus) to:
UniMelbourne: 36 grants, $42m
Monash U: 52 grants $28m
UniSydney: 28 grants, $18m
UoQ: 24 grants, $14m
Murdoch Childrens: 14 grants, $11m
UniNewcastle: 12 grants, $10m
UWA: 13 grants, $9m
Walter and Eliza Hall: 12 grants, $9m
UniAdelaide: 13 grants, $6m
Deakin U: ten grants, $9m
La Trobe U: seven grants, $5m
Menzies School of Health Research: five grants, $5m
QIMR Berghoffer: eight grants, $5m