Ideas for new international educ income streams

A parly inquiry is asking for ideas on increasing exports and international investment

Universities Australia suggests the feds fund participation in international research and off-shore campuses

In a submission to federal parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment, UA proposes the Commonwealth invest in, “specific funding for large-scale, long-term international collaboration that capitalises on Australia’s research strength and existing infrastructure. … Modest government funding can often attract co-investment from other partners and lead to significant research breakthroughs.”

And UA calls for a back-up plan lest the flood of international students coming here evaporate; “offshore campuses create options for students to study in their home country and provide a bolster against potential future changes in the flow of students coming to study onshore in Australia.”

And the TAFE lobby propose an international focus on VET qualifications and more marketing off-shore

TAFE Directors Australia points to the local-focus in VET content and proposes new export products. “Reform to VET qualification content and new forms of accreditation would substantially improve the effectiveness of the Australian VET product in the international context.”

TDA also advocates, “a scheme of pre-approved VET experts to represent the interests of Australia in developing more sustainable opportunities off-shore. This would range from vocational education system design, industry liaison, capacity building and delivery. … Done in a strategic and open way this would help develop high quality training for regions that helps with industry development and offers opportunities for local citizens.”



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