Harvard by Sydney harbour

Harvard U’s Graduate School of Education is holding a Sydney summer school for principals

On in January, it’s “designed for “region-specific learning needs” (region being ANZ and surrounds). Participants “will engage with Harvard faculty” for four days at the University of Sydney Business School, “to explore research based techniques and best practices to assist in developing a leadership plan tailored to their home school settings.”

Standard cost is A$5 400, with scholarships for principals of disadvantaged regional/rural schools. It’s part of a Harvard push into the professional education market for Australian teachers, with another four short courses on offer this year and next. But while Harvard staff are focused on local needs, they might find Sydney weather in January a surprise –the original announcement of the principal course was headlined, “to launch in winter 2020.”

“The Australian education system favours shiny things from afar rather than local high-quality researchers,” a learned reader remarks.


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