Jozef Gecz is South Australia’s scientist of the year. Professor Gecz is head of neuogenetics research at the University of Adelaide. Other winners are, * Dorothea Dumuid, Uni SA – PhD research (stats on lifestyle and health). * Anthea Ponte, Hawthorndene Primary – STEM educator -schools. * Tom Raimondo, Uni SA – STEM educator – tertiary (environmental-geospatial science). * Helen Marshall Uni Adelaide and “B Part of it” study team – research collaboration (herd immunity impact of meningococcal B vaccine). * Mark Skanes, Dommar Pty Ltd – STEM professional. * Nigel Rogasch, Tall Poppy (previously announced), Uni Adelaide and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, (neuroscience). * Zoos SA Research Laboratory, Royal Zoological Society of South Australia – unsung hero (science). * Philip Roetman, Burnside City Council) – science comms
Climate scientist Sophie Lewis (UNSW) is the ACT scientist of the year.
Monash U arts dean Sharon Pickering announces the faculty’s research awards, Barbara Barbosa Neves (early career), David Holmes and the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub (research impact), Briony Rogers (research impact)and Jacqui True (postgrad research supervision). Professor True is having a good run- in June she won theFeminist Theory & Gender Studies section of the International Studies Association’s 2020 eminent scholar award.
The SA premier’s science and innovation council has a new membership; Caroline McMillen, (Chief Scientist) chairs. Members are Philip Marcus Clark, Food Agility CRC. Matthew Gilliham, Uni Adelaide. Sarah Harmer-Bassell, Flinders U. Emily Hilder, UniSA. Andre Luiten, Uni Adelaide. Sanjay Mazumdar (KPMG). Julie Phillip, Aus Biotech. Steve Wesselingh, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and Beth Worrall, Microsoft.
Brigid van Wanrooy is appointed director of the Analysis and Policy Observatory, (“an open-access evidence platform for public policy and practice) at Swinburne U. Dr Wanrooy joins from the Victorian Government’s Department of Health and Human Services.