Griffith U invites staff to speak-up on free speech

VC Carolyn Evans has sent staff a brief on implementing Robert French’s proposed university free speech code

The draft includes an adapted version of Mr French’s proposals for Griffith U and more generally, Queensland circumstances. The differences include;

* a new free-speech policy will not take precedence over other policies. “In Queensland, universities do not have power to make delegated legislation which would take precedence over policy,” she writes

* staff may be asked not to associate themselves with Griffith U, if speaking up outside their expertise

* free speech can be limited by confidentiality clauses or contracts with third parties

She also makes the point that there are already “a number of ways,” academic freedom and freedom of speech are best protected, “the Enterprise Agreement being the most notable.”

Clause 47 of the academic agreement guarantees the right to “participate in public debates and express opinions about issues and ideas related to their academic and professional areas, about higher education issues as they affect their institution and about higher education issues more generally,” to, “participate in professional and representative bodies without fear of harassment or intimidation,” and “engage in community service without fear of harassment, intimidation or unfair treatment.”

Professor Evans has appointed emeritus professor Lesley Chenoweth to facilitate discussions of the proposal, as an independent party familiar with Griffith U’s culture. Workshops will, allow staff to raise questions, concerns or recommendations about the proposed new code.

The Griffith draft will be closely considered – this is a debate Professor Evans knows about, writing on the intersection of human rights legislation and religious belief, (CMM June 25) was widely noted.


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