ASQA cops a federer of a serve in the Senate

Stirling Griff says the Australian Skills Quality Authority was created in 2011 but “issues in the VET sector” have not improved

Senator Griff (Centre Alliance – South Australia) pointed to “inconsistent course duration and audit unpredictability” as “two of the main concerns that remain entrenched eight years later.”

“The impact of both is huge. It means that potentially many students each year have been receiving substandard learning from training providers, and that includes both TAFEs and private providers. Poor regulation and inconsistent course duration has led to many VET certificates being looked upon by some employers as having little or no value. Students of these courses are paying good money to study and to receive their VET certificates, only to find out when they try to secure employment that their certificate is worth nothing.”

Speaking in the Senate yesterday, he cited course quality issues in aged care and early childhood education and criticised ASQA over its regulation of Registered Training Organisation.

“Much needs to be done to lift the VET sector, and ASQA needs to step up to the plate,” Senator Griff said.


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