Wilma James joins KPMG from Uni Queensland’s commercialisation team.
The National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education announces its 2020 fellows, * David Eckstein (Swinburne U) * Tim Pitman (Curtin U), * Janine Delahunty (Uni Wollongong) * Andrea Simpson (La Trobe U)
Peter Noonan (Victoria U) receives the Vice Chancellor’s Career Achievement Award
Erin Rayment is leaving Uni Southern Queensland for QUT, where she will be ED, for industry and engagement. She is one of the Commonwealth’s 2019 women Superstars of STEM (CMM December 11 2018).
Science and Technology Australia announces its new executive committee, working with previously announced new president Jeremy Brownlie (Griffith U); Tanya Ha (independent consultant) Judith Dawes (Macquarie U), Lee Constable (science communicator) and Mark Bazzacco (CSIRO).
Andreas Strasser and David Vaux (Walter and Eliza Hall) win the CSL Florey Medal for their research on cell death triggers in treating cancer
The Australian Academy of Science announces the 2020 Australia-India early/mid career research fellowships are here .
The ANU achievement awards are here
The National Transport Award winners are, here.
QUT announces the VC’s awards for excellence, here.
And the Royal Australian Chemical Institute named its 2019 medallists, here.
The University of Adelaide announced staff achievement awards this week, here.