Ross McLennan is to be Griffith U’s director of the research office. He will move from Uni SA. He is also the new president of the Australasian Research Management Society.
Aboriginal health researcher James Ward is leaving the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute for Uni Queensland, where he will be a professor of public health.
The Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes announces five new members of the board, * Helen Christensen, Black Dog Institute. * Thomas Kay, St Vincent’s IMR * Sarah Robertson, Robinson Research Institute * Peter Schofield, NeuroScience Research * Alison Venn, Menzies IMR. They join continuing members Jonathan Carapetis (chair), Elizabeth Hartland (Hudson Institute of MR) Maxine Morand (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre)
Flinders U announces its VC’s early career research awards
* Rami Al-Dirini (biomedical engineering) * Tully Barnett (cultural policy) * Monica Cations (ageing, aged care) * Johanna Conterio (European history) * Kacie Dickinson (nutrition) * Ashley Hopkins (clinical epidemiology), Julie-Ann Hulin (clinical pharmacology) * Gorica Micic (psychology) * Farzin Shabani (vegetation modelling) Emma Tonkin (public health)
Victoria U announces VC awards. Individuals and teams are;
Engagement: Maurice Guerrieri (Sustainable Industries, Liveable Cities)
Student engagement: Julie Madden (VU Polytechnic)
Learning and teaching (HE): Fotios Sidiroglou (First Year College)
Learning and teaching (VET): Donald Divendran Gordon (VU Poly)
Enhance learning: the 22 student and staff members of the Connected Learning team
Early career research and research training: Sarah Volsin (Sport and Health)
Professional services and innovation: * the four members of the Connected Learning Team * the four members of the First Year College office