Tara Brabazon is leaving Flinders U where she is dean of Graduate Research. She is moving to Massey U in New Zealand.
Alex Brown is appointed professor of Indigenous genomics by ANU and partner Telethon Kids Institute.
Tony Driese is Uni Southern Queensland’s inaugural PVC First Nations Education and Research. He moves from ANU.
Flinders U announces new professorial fellows. Harald Janovjak (now at Monash U) and Krasimir Vasilev (Uni SA) will join its Health and Medical Research institute. Melanie MacGregor, moves to the College of Science and Engineering from Uni SA.
Susan Le Mire is appointed interim PVC Student Learning at Uni Adelaide. She steps up form Deputy Dean, Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Professions.
The National Library of Australia announces its 2022 fellowships. Sue Green (Charles Sturt U), Susan Herner (Uni Adelaide), Alison Holland (Macquarie U), Ryan Johnson (Uni Sydney), Annie McCarthy (Uni Canberra), Gwyn McClelland (Uni New England), Julian Meyrick (Uni Adelaide), Madelyn Shaw (US independent scholar), Paul Turnbull (Uni Tas), Kate Warren (ANU), Annie McCarthy (Uni Canberra).
KPMG partner Warwick Shanks is elected a deputy chancellor of Uni Wollongong. He will replace Elizabeth Magassy who will step down at year end.
Mark Young is leaving La Trobe U for Uni Tasmania, where he will start next month as Director, Future Student Journey.