The Australian Research Management Society announces its annual awards;
Distinguished service: posthumous award to Paul Taylor (RMIT)
Fellows: Janice Besch, National Health and Medical Research Council. Michelle Duryea, Edith Cowan U. Rochelle Finlay, James Cook U. Gayle Morris, Uni SA adjunct
Awards for excellence: Tobias Schoep, Tara McLaren and Paul Watt, Telethon Kids Institute. Janne Barnes, Jeremy Gibson, Melissa Page, Janani Eswaran, Miranda Sawyer, Sheeja Kambil, Rebecca Stepanas, QUT.
Travel award/scholarship: Chris Spargo, Menzies School of Health Research. Sandrine Kingston-Ducrot, Uni Queensland.
Stefan Bode (Uni Melbourne) is the Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society’s young investigator of the year.
Curtin U’s Zheng-Xiang Li is a 2019 fellow of the American Geophysical Union.
Rodney Smith (Uni Sydney) is the new president of the Australian Political Studies Association.