
At Uni Melbourne, Cathy Mason becomes manager of the medical school. It’s an internal appointment.

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek announces membership of the Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group. John Thwaites (Monash U) is chair and members include, Chief Scientist Cathy Foley, John Gertsakis (UTS), Romilly Madew (Engineers Australia), Larry Marshall (CSIRO), Robynne Quiggin (UTS), John Spoehr (Flinders U).

QUT announces a brace of senior appointments, * Lisa Bradley (chair Academic Board) * Nicholas Brown (head of clinical sciences school) * Sharon Christensen (law school head)  * Kathy Gleadhill (Director, Audit) * Udo Gottlieb (student ombudsman) * Kiri Pettigrew (General Counsel) *Emily Rosemond (sport director) * Bouchra Senadji (deputy chair, Academic Board)  * Joanne Travaglia (head of public health, social work school) * Chelsea Watego (ED, Carumba Institute)