Not quite, but Jason Clare appears keen not to leave any interest unrepresented
The education minister has announced the ministerial reference group for the Universities Accord. The group, “will be a sounding board and a source of advice” to the Accord team. Members are,
* Georgia Beatty (National Union of Students) * Tony Cook (DoE) * Anthony Chisholm (education assistant minister) * Verity Firth (UTS) * Cathy Foley (Chief Scientist) * Pat Forward (former Australian Education Union official) * Paul Harpur (Uni Queensland) * Andrew Norton (ANU) * Mary O’Kane (Accord chair) * Lester Rigney (Uni SA) * Taylah Roberts (Rural Youth Ambassador) * Misha Schubert (Science and Technology Australia) * Michael Wesley (Uni Melbourne)
* Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry * Australian Education Union * Australian Industry Group * Australian Technology Network * Business Council of Australia * Council of Small Business Organisations Australia * Group of Eight * Independent Higher Education Australia * Independent Tertiary Education Council of Australia * Innovative Research Universities * International Education Association of Australia * Jobs and Skills Australia * National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Consortium * National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education * National Tertiary Education Union * Regional Universities Network* TAFE Directors Australia * Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency *Universities Australia* Universities Chancellors Council
“They’ll need a coliseum-size space if this lot ever assemble”, a learned reader remarks.