The 2019 list includes;
Benjamin Allen (Uni Southern Queensland) – human conflict with wildlife. Jyotsna Batra (QUT) – genetic basis of prostate cancer. Katia Bazaka (QUT) – low temperature plasmas. Caitlin Curtis (Uni Queenland) – genetic technology in healthcare. Andrew Hoey (James Cook U) – marine ecology. James Hudson (QIMR-Berghoffer Institute) – human bioengineered muscle tissue. Laura Fenlon (UniQueensland) – plasticity in brain function. Sara Herke (Uni Queensland) – properties of networks. James Kesby (Uni Queensland) – dopamine in decision making. Severine Navarro, (QIMR-Berghoffer Institute) – immune system and allergies in new-born babies. Jodie Rummer (James Cook U) – climate change and marine eco-systems. Stephanie Schoeppe (CQU) – improving physical activity in families. Stephanie Topp (James Cook U) – governance for accessible health care.