Women in science: underpaid and sick of it

Women with science doctorates cluster in low and middle income pay brackets for PhD-required jobs, according to a new report  on STEM employment by Professionals Australia.

Women in doctorate-required starter jobs, as  a per centage of those with higher degrees employed in science, exceeds men in all six surveyed fieldsphysics/astronomy, chem sciences, earth sciences, biological sciences, ag sciences and environmental science.

The per centage of the total female science workforce in middle pay grades is also higher than for men.

However, men cluster at the top, with 59 per cent of men with doctorates in earth sciences in the highest pay group, compared to 33 per cent of women.

Dissatisfaction and frustration with a range of workplace practices including lack of career advancement, pay and conditions, lack of professional recognition and lack of opportunity to gain experience or undertake increased challenges were factors contributing to women considering leaving their profession for both women with and without children.”

Attrition at mid-career stage means that the sector is losing valuable female talent,” PA warns.


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