Where to file research

ANZ stats and research admin authorities are reviewing the existing classification codes and asking for responses to their ideas. No surprise that the wonk’s wonks at the Innovative Research Universities have some.

The review proposes code(s) of their own for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander StudiesMāori Studies, and Pacific Peoples Studies, asks how to classify inter-disciplinary research and what to do about research disciplines established since the last list in 2008  (CMM March 25).

The IRU agrees ATSI studies needs codes of their own, backing the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Consortium proposal for a four-digit Indigenous Studies code in division 16 (studies in human society) plus seven specific six-digit codes covering health and education.

And the IRU proposes splitting in two the two-digit Medical and Health Sciences division, which has sub-groups, bigger than most of the broad divisions.

The IRU also suggests codes for new research areas such as, cybersecurity, forensic science, medical physics, palliative care and data analytics. The lobby adds the classification system could use multiple codes, “to capture interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.”  And the IR adds that definitions of research activity need to grow to include translational research.

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