The SCImago journal ranking shows how huge is the research world (and how small Australia is)
The Spanish product uses Google PageRank to rate the 34 000 peer-review journals in the Scopus database by visibility on 15 variables.
Australia rates 11th in the world, behind the US, China, UK, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, Italy, India and Spain.
Some 254 Australian publications are listed, with 30 in the top quartile – the more Australian the content, the lower the citation rate.
The Medical Journal of Australia has the highest local H-Index, 119, (number of articles cited at least that many times). In contrast, the New England Journal of Medicine H-Index is 933.
Australia’s overall research citation has risen over the decade, from 2.86 per cent of world output in 2011, to 3.42 per cent last year.
A 2018 analysis of research rankings rated SCImago, with Leiden and Clarivate as a “a promising approach for research administrators”