The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency reports what it was up to last year
TEQSA investigated 302 concerns about 88 HE providers (45 per cent of them). Students were the source of 59 per cent and “internal referrals” 9 per cent. Student services were the largest categories of concern where an institution was named, teaching and courses (24 per cent), learning environment (17 per cent) and admissions (11 per cent).
Two-thirds of complaints were about universities.
TEQSA reports seven “concerns” related to sexual assault/harassment and found in all cases institutions had “appropriate systems and processes for responding to allegations, reports or incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment in a timely and effective way, and in a manner that protects the rights of all parties.”
As to casuals pay, the agency states that since August 2020 it has “engaged” with 22 universities, which have completed, or are undertaking “comprehensive reviews of their payroll practices.”
CEO Alistair Maclean singles out work to address, “the harm posed by commercial academic cheating services to students.”
Which since the arrival of GPT-4 in March, is rather like banning crossbows as the Death Star is deployed.