Victoria U is partnering with the NSW Universities Admission Centre on a new student application system to manage requests for course credit
UAC Advance is designed for the 30 per cent of all applications to universities across the country that include requests for credit on the basis of prior study, which are now often manually assessed.
According to a report 2019 report by consultants Nous Group, assessing requests for credit costs universities $125 an application.
The new system will integrate national tertiary education databases with VU’s admission procedures.
According to UAC, the technology “heralds a major shift in how credit is assessed and awarded and is a key stepping-stone towards fully automated, instant credit outcomes.”
This has to be a system which is needed now and will be more so soon – as micro-credentials that count for entry and credit become more common.
Given VU’s VET and HE base, it is a good place to start.