It’s another achievement for the energised uni
Victoria U’s big win in performance awards
It’s another achievement for the energised uni
VU is the big achiever in the Association of Tertiary Education Management awards, announced Monday night, winning in five of the ten categories.
So how did VU do it? Here’s a hint – yesterday the university announced a pilot professional development “festival” running for a week at end November. Managers are asked to organise so teams can attend in whole or part.
There will be six streams, with “almost” all presentations led by VU staff. “Sessions will include everything from developing your leadership capability, to wellness and creativity. Recognising and celebrating our staff will be a key theme throughout the festival” Senior DVC Marcia Devlin says.
The event is intended to address staff demand for PD revealed in a staff survey.
It’s another example of VU’s transformative culture – in February management could muster just 33 per cent support of staff voting on a management backed, union opposed enterprise agreement. Since then, however VU has a had run of great results in education (driven by its block- teaching model) and campus culture. Last month the university system’s HR group recognised Victoria U for “substantial positive change,” demonstrated in a staff survey (CMM September 5).