“Terri-ann White has decided to leave UWA after 25-years of service,” VC Jane den Hollander tells staff
The VC praises Professor White’s “flair and innovation” as director of UWA Publishing, adding, “I hope she will watch its future progress with pride, knowing her contribution was central to its on-going future.”
And what future is that, pray?
Late last year UWA’s Global Partnerships portfolio reviewed UWAP and decided to change what is published and how. The review pointed out, “only a small proportion of the authors and content published by UWA Publishing relate directly to the university and its work.”
Money saved by closing the press as-is would be reinvested in, “open and digitised access to information and knowledge in its support of the university’s academic writing and research,” (CMM November 11).
But learned readers wonder if it wasn’t broken, why fix it
“UWA Publishing developed a significant reputation locally, nationally and internationally and published Western Australian history and other works of local interest and importance. UWA Publishing’s important role in the community, particularly in sharing local Western Australian stories, history and Indigenous voices was recently evidenced by the strong demonstration of support late last year when the future of UWA Publishing was being considered,” Professor den Hollander says in her farewell to Professor White.