USQ stepping up on digital delivery

Uni Southern Queensland wants to, “reclaim (its) position as the sector leader in innovative, quality online and/or digital education that delivers a powerful and flexible student experience”

In June last year USQ started reviewing its Office for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching. The process is now closing on completion with a draft org structure out for consultation.

And not a moment too soon – as USQ explains.

“The student appetite for online learning including alternative modalities such as intensive learning and short form micro-courses, is increasing but so too is industry competition, as more education providers enter the industry, and existing providers aggressively expand their market share.”

“USQ needs to craft a narrative that speaks to this savvy cohort, but crucially, plan to deliver on those promises and exceed student expectations.”
The university proposes reorganising positions and functions to; * create new and innovative degrees, curriculum, educational models and modes, * enhance and improve existing courses and programs, including updating curriculum and pedagogical approaches, * build academic capacity to teach … and support success in awarded learning and teaching awards, and *create digital approaches and learning resources that invite and sustain student engagement, excitement and immersion in learning.

While there are new positions and reporting lines and functions will change, there is no apparent net job loss.


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