USQ goes big on mini on-line courses

University of Southern Queensland is restructuring on-line teaching resources, to “reclaim (its) position as the sector leader in innovative, quality online and/or digital education,” (CMM August 27) Here’s how

The university is offering 18 on-line “mini-courses” (40 hours over four weeks) in its USQ UpSkill programme.

Subjects are in marketing comms, management, business and education at costs ranging from $625 (childcare subjects) to comms and business ($735).  Completers can qualify for a digital completion badge .

People can also be badged without doing the course – by submitting a portfolio of work which “a qualified academic” assesses as meeting “the learning outcome” of the relevant mini-course.”  The cost of the kit to complete this is $250. Completing four mini-courses can also count as credit to a USQ degree.

Deakin U provides a certification system for marketers who submit evidence of capabilities in five fields, (CMM November 19 2018).


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