The Times Higher engineering and tech discipline ranking has the university in the national top spot
UNSW rates first in Australia and 59th in the world. The other locals in the new global are 100 Uni Melbourne at 68th, Monash U – 70th, ANU – 81st, Uni Sydney – =86th, Uni Wollongong – 91st and Uni Queensland – =94th.
THE discipline rankings use the same methodology as for its all-of-university league tables.
Universities outside the golden century are presented alphabetically in bands;
101-125: Uni Adelaide, UTS
126-150: UWA
151-175: Curtin U, Edith Cowan U, QUT, Uni SA, Victoria U
176-200: Deakin U, Griffith U, RMIT, Swinburne U
201-250: Macquarie U
301-400: CQU, Uni Newcastle, USQ
401-500: James Cook U, U Tas, Western Sydney U
501-600: Murdoch U