UNSW Global upping on-line learning

There’s a deal on content for international students

Ian Jacobs (UNSW VC) was righter than he could have imagined last year when he said, “there is a mismatch between where the need and demand for higher education is globally, and where the expertise resides, (CMM June 18 2019).

The latter is now wherever academics work from home and the former anywhere on the other side of Anzac Parade in Kensington to , say Kerala.

UNSW has been working on expanding on-line for a while. MOOCs are offered in India, via private provider Amity U. And now there is word that UNSW Global is expanding its work with Sydney based private provider OpenLearning Limited.

In May OLL started providing on-line UNSWG’s university-English language programme. And yesterday OLL  requested a share trading halt pending an announcement on a licensing agreement with UNSWG “to design and deliver a new on-line education programme for international students.”