The last 12 Australian Research Council Linkage Grants awarded by the (first/only) Morrison Government are announced
Dennis Del Favero (UNSW) has $463 000 to research ways a “multi-located museum collection … can be aesthetically explored.” The grant is in partnership with the NSW three-site Australian Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. This follows Professor Del Favero’s November Linkage Grant to develop an interactive archive in collaboration with the Australian War Memorial.
Kim Foster (Australia Catholic U) and colleagues are funded to investigate mental health nurses’ “resilience, retention and quality of practice.”
Melanie Sawell from Flinders U will lead work to preserve the history of video games in Australia by emulating obsolete operating systems in the Cloud.
At ANU, Dragomir Neshev has $400 000 to research miniaturised optical systems to measure driver fatigue.
And a Uni Queensland team led by Kevin Thomas is looking to estimate tobacco and nicotine consumption in the community by waste water analysis.
All up UNSW and QUT have three grants each, Uni Queensland has two and Australian Catholic U, ANU, UTS and Uni Newcastle one each.