UA presents ways to address a wicked problem in national security – how to grow the workforce the defence force require sin an era of skill shortages
In its submission to the Defence Strategic Review, Universities Australia pitches a comprehensive, coordinated partnership between its members and the ADF.
“As the needs of a modern defence force become more technical and highly skilled, there is an increasing need for a more highly educated workforce within Defence. Whereas many roles in Defence would once have required secondary school-level skills, those same roles have evolved to require undergraduate or postgraduate qualifications,” UA asserts.
Its many proposals include
* Defence funding undergraduate places in priority disciplines
* micro-credentials for graduates in the defence forces to upskill
* a national research partnership along the lines of the “concept to sovereign capability” Trailblazer University centre, recently established at Uni Adelaide
* an annual “whole of Defence” workforce statement to “send the clearest signal of current and projected workforce requirements to … universities and TAFE.”
* a knowledge worker ADF reserve, “ready to be deployed rapidly if geopolitical conditions change or in response to a specific crisis.”
* a Defence – HE group “to streamline and formalise communication channels”