Unis winning in workplace learning

The LearnX Foundation’s Impact awards are announced

LearnX describes itself as “a small non-profit organisation that supports and promotes advancements in workforce learning.”

Higher education winners, among others in some of the many categories include:

Learning design team: RMIT (two teams) and Victoria U

Talent partnership: Victoria U and Victoria U Polytechnic

Leadership capability: Uni Queensland Business School

Learning and capability: Monash College

Staff wellbeing: University of Sydney

Workplace health and safety: Monash U

Learning culture: Hong Kong Performing Arts Academy

New eLearning Adopter: Victoria U, Victoria U Polytechnic

Blended learning model: Uni Sunshine Coast

Bespoke learning model: Victoria U Polytechnic, Victoria U

On-line model: RMIT, Victoria U

Future learning model: Uni Sydney

Agile design: Box Hill Institute

eLearning Resource: Box Hill Institute, Uni Washington

Learning app design: Victoria U, Monash U

Shift-it-online design: Victoria U, Victoria U Polytechnic


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