While universities make nice with India (Uni Sydney has a 60-strong delegation there), Uni Wollongong is going its own way off shore
Late last year Uni Wollongong announced it would buy, subject to regulatory approval a majority share in local provider KDU’s university colleges in Kuala Lumpur and Penang (CMM November 20 2018).
Which has now happened – the expanded UoW brand launched yesterday. The KDU campuses have 6 000 enrolments, but there said to be capacity to double that. The enrolment mix is 85 per cent Malaysian, with the balance from other SE Asian nations.
Smart move, diversifying the UoW base in a market where the Australian brand is long known. In the early ‘90s Monash U started there, in partnership with a local provider.
UoW has always charted its own international course – it has had a campus in Dubai for 30 years.