Uni Tas makes mates with rates

The uni has a brilliant way to make- nice with Hobart, give the city council money

The university’s plan to move big parts of its operation into the CBD initially did not go down well with all the locals (CMM April 23).

But since then VC Rufus Black has mounted a consult and charm offensive, including an agree-a-thon, where the university and community leaders met to discuss how to make the move work (CMM December 4).

And now the university has come up with something communities like even more than being asked what they think –  money. U Tas and the Hobart City Council have struck a deal whereby the university will pay the equivalent of rates on recently acquired expansion sites in the CBD, including student accommodation.  The first annual payment is $350 000.

The universities of Adelaide and South Australia may well be hoping that news travels less fast, than not at all. Back in July Stephanie Richards in the excellent INDAILY reported people in Adelaide are unimpressed the two pay no rates to the city council (CMM July 12).


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