Uni Queensland’s excellent ARC outcome

It wins three of the 11 new Australian Research Council centres of excellence

The partnerships programme “is one of our largest and most prestigious schemes” says Australian Research Council CEO Judy Zielke. There is $384.9m in federal funding over seven years for this round, with $375m from “universities and collaborators” and $304, in cash and kind from 221 partners

Lead organisations for the new centres are

Uni Adelaide: Plants for Space (“on-demand, zero-waste, high-efficiency plants and plant products to address grand challenges in sustainability for space and on Earth”)

James Cook U: “Indigenous and Environmental Histories and Futures”

Monash U: * Elimination of Violence Against Women (“will work closely with practitioners and Indigenous leadership across Australia and the Indo-Pacific) * Weather of the 21st century

RMIT: Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science

Swinburne U: Gravitational Wave Discovery

Uni Melbourne: Mathematical Analysis of Cellular Systems (“engineering biotechnological applications”)

UNSW:  Carbon Science and Innovation

Uni Queensland: * Green Electrochemical Transformation for Carbon Dioxide, * Quantum Biotechnology * Indigenous Futures (“transform and improve the life chances of Indigenous Australians”