Uni Newcastle wants a new agreement wrapped-up for Christmas

Management says it is hoping for an agreement with unions and staff reps tomorrow

The major change in the revised offer  the university offers appears to be 9.5 per cent in pay rises, in three annual increases, with the first backdated to October. The university previously proposed a two- year agreement, citing the need to prepare for uncertain times, (CMM September 21).

Managements is also promoting improved benefits long in the offer, including ten “concession days” for staff to take and extending 17 per cent super to casuals.

Management and unions meet tomorrow afternoon and DVC Kent Anderson says he hopes there will be an agreement.

Perhaps to set a context for any discussion of pay at the meeting, VC Alex Zelinsky warns the university community that costs are up and student revenue is down and there will be a $23m deficit next year. While the VC announces a halt on a major capex outlay, he makes no mention of cuts, adding, “we remain on the right trajectory, but restraint will still be required as we head into a challenging 2023,” he says.

It’s a message negotiators from the Community and Public Sector Union might heed.

Last month their colleagues at Southern Cross U backed an offer that management pitched as suited to hard times, which the National Tertiary Education Union opposed – the offer got up in all-staff vote (CMM November 7).