Uni lobbies like VET, at a distance

HE groups point out differences between the sectors

Perhaps assuming too many VET inquiries are never enough back in November Treasurer Frydenberg briefed the Productivity Commission to inquire into the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development, (CMM November 18).

And so, the policy oars-persons at Universities Australia and the Innovative Research Universities have rowed-up submissions.

The IRU stays on the course set in its 2018 policy paper, Towards a Tertiary Future, (CMM, November 26 2018). The group argues young people need post-school qualifications, but diplomatically suggests that making VET, “a more substantial option” would need to address how it would be, “a foundation for the future, to provide more than the skills needed for the immediate job.”

“The relevance of a ‘level playing field’ should be for a person deciding where they want to learn. Providers are the tool to achieve that. Providers do not need equality, they need a reasonable framework within which to offer potential students valuable education and training.”

Universities Australia points out VET provides, “training and practical skills that equip Australians for immediate entry into the workforce,” but, “higher education offers students the academic, analytical and technical skills required for long-term professional and academic careers.”



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