Uni Adelaide’s council wants Academic Board to “become a forum for collegiate discussion of key academic issues for the University and the sector”
Chancellor Catherine Branson tells staff, “it is the hope of Council that Academic Board will increasingly engage with the academic aspects of the University’s strategic plan.”
The announcement follows council endorsing a review of the board by Ian O’Connor, former VC of Griffith U and sometime chair of the Higher Education Standards Panel.
There will be revised terms of reference for the board and its “membership “will be enhanced by strengthened staff representation.” And by a powerful chair who will be an elected professor. It will be “a substantive appointment and provided with appropriate support.” And the chair will “participate” in the VC’s executive as an observer.
“My hope is that Academic Board will come to be seen as the principal means by which the voices of the university’s academic staff reach the council. The only object of this university is the advancement of learning and knowledge; that is, teaching and research. For this reason, our academic staff are at the heart of the University’s purpose. It is important that Council be aware of their views,” Ms Branson says.
Council has just reappointed her for a second term as chancellor (CMM February 16).