Training regulator loses new role before it started

ASQA was pleased indeed when the previous government’s plan was for it to take over approving training packages from January – was

In March Australian Skills Quality Authority CEO Saxon Rice assured everybody, ASQA would “leverage our deep understanding of Australia’s national training system and draw on our extensive regulatory skill set and capability,” (CMM March 24) to do the job

Alas, we will never know. On Friday ASQA announced the Commonwealth had decided not to give it the job. Until a replacement is decided, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations will do the approving.

So what got into the feds?

TAFE Directors’ Jenny Dodd saw an issue back in March. “The regulator approving the products that it will then regulate is an interesting decision,” But she added, “there was little alternative other than ASQA for an independent approval body, (CMM March 29).

Which is probably why DEWR will do the work, until somebody has a new idea who should.