There’s more in the Mail: Warren Bebbington on Glyn Davis’s new book
In Features, on the (CMM website and at the end of today’s email) recently resigned University of Adelaide VC Warren Bebbington reviews Glyn Davis’s long-awaited new book on the Australian university, from whence the single-system came, where it is now and how it could change.
Professor Bebbington finds much to commend in the arguments presented by the University of Melbourne VC, who steps down next year – perhaps because he has also similarly written on the need for a diversity of missions in higher education, (CMM July 9 2014).
And Davis is just the man to make change happen, Bebbington suggests, “Canberra urgently needs wise counsel and persuasive advice if a new policy framework is to be formed. Freed from his vice chancellorial duties at the University of Melbourne, there is little doubt Glyn Davis could provide it.”