In Features this morning
Frank Larkins and Ian Marshman (Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education) estimate public uni income streams and how institutions would cope with a decline in the international student fees for this year. (Looking good ANU).
They base their prediction on investment income returning to 2019 levels, the known distribution of the federal government’s $1bn in emergency funding for research and a 5 per cent rise in government grant income, HECs payments and related income streams.
plus Merlin Crossley (UNSW) on access and equity to post school education – expanding h
and, where there’s WIL there’s a way towards graduate-level jobs for new uni completers. Denise Jackson (Edith Cowan U) and Anna Rowe (UNSW) on outcomes of work integrated learning. It’s a new selection by Commissioning Editor Sally Kift for her celebrated series, Needed now in teaching and learning