In Features this morning
Universities that chase rankings replace their missions with KPIs. Garry Carnegie and Lee Parker (both RMIT) make the case why rankings are not relevant to the purpose of universities.
Frank Larkins and Ian Marshman (Melbourne Centre for the Study of HE) on the states where HE was hit hardest in the pandemic year.
Tim Winkler makes the case for uni brands and why they must be way more than marketing “A brand is far more than a visual identity and slogan – they should just be a postscript on the real thing. A brand is the sum of the spirit of an institution; the commitment; the impact on lives; the selfless contribution to knowledge and the determination to reward ignorance with insight, rather than shame,” he writes.
It’s an issue for his (with a little help from CMM) conference next week, on key issues in HE marketing, recruitment and identity.
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