Theology college closer to becoming a university

TEQSA moves Australian College of Theology up a rung

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency announces the college is elevated “after the presentation of new evidence.”

The college went to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal last year after TEQSA moved it from level one of registration, HE provider, to level two institute of HE.

Now, the step to full university may depend on the college convincing TEQSA that it meets the research requirements set out in the Higher Education Standards Framework  – which the college is keen to have a go at, stating it, “conducts excellent research and looks forward to providing TEQSA with additional evidence … in the near future.”

The university college category was created by the previous government last year (CMM February 9 2021) as part of the four provider categories. Since then Avondale U has moved up from UC to full uni. With ACT there are now five university colleges, Australian Film, Television and Radio School, National Institute of Dramatic Art and three Christian institutes, the others being Moore Theological and Alphacrucis.